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The Sea Shore

The SeaShore During a dinner party at Maria Jose’s house (my host mother) with some of her Spanish friends we ate our dessert of candied...

Waffles and Chocolate

Here I am! Sitting in Mascarpones which has been the social hub for my friend group for the past few weeks to the point where all the...

Week of Welcome

Finally! My only thought as I stepped off the long chain of flights to Seville. Finally, I had arrived in the city that I had decided...

Leutkirch Im Allgäu - Germany

I spent the last two weeks in Germany with my childhood friend Annika and her two adorable girls Mia and Ela. Annika used to live with us...

Auf Wiedersehen!

Goodbye Beautiful Hawaii!! I leave tomorrow! Its crazy thinking that my time in Hawaii has come to an end as I prepare for a new chapter...

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